Life Insurance Calculator

Clients are able to easily calculate needs and submit a drop ticket from this single tool.

Video Quoters

Videos are a proven marketing tool used to connect with potential and existing clients. E4IS provides LifeHappens videos with life, disability, and annuity testimonials. Video quoters are available in horizontal or vertical options.

Inspiring Quoters

Select or submit an image to customize campaigns and represent your business. 

Pre-selected default images with customizable text.
Basic option instead of video or image quoters. 
SEO Images & Email/Website Buttons 

Use your own design or have our marketing team create custom tools for you. 

Interested in Custom Tools of Your Own? 

Become a leader in the industry with these virtual tools on your website, email signature buttons, email and even text links directly to your clients. Contact E4IS to learn more about what these tools can do for your business.